Hello and welcome to my personal website! I’m Hoël. I was born in Paris, France and raised in Durham, North Carolina. Half of my family is from Bretagne, the other from Nebraska, making for a wonderfully unique upbringing. I currently live in Baltimore with my partner Sarah and our cat Daouda.
This website is an ongoing project to both learn about web development and chronicle bits of my life in a blog. It’s always evolving, a bit rough around the edges, and occasionally off-line. Still, I’m proud of how it’s evolved over time and like knowing that I have a self-hosted corner of the internet to post about my life or any topic I chose.
Press mentions and publications
If you’re wondering, my name is pronounced [oʊ wɛl] - or “oh-well” - two syllables, with a silent H.
I’m named after the Celtic mythological King Hoël, who’s name my French mom fell in love with while reading the legend of Tristan and Iseult shortly before my birth.
As of 2019, I believe I am still the only Hoël in the United States, and definitely the only Hoël Wiesner in the world. Update for 2023 - I believe I am still the only Hoël!
Website Credits
This website is built on the Hugo framework and uses the following plugins:
- PaperMod theme
- Shortcode Gallery